They don't happen as frequently as Insurance Companies want the public to believe and they are pedominately caused by careless driving ~ agressive driving like following too closely or trying to 'jump' in front of on coming traffic. A high speed impact collision is defined by the Federal DOT as being in excess of 8 miles per hour. Bumper Cars at the amusement park collide at less than 3 miles per hour ~ compare that in your memory to what 8 miles an hour must feel like and you get the idea of what a collision can do to the human body ~ particularly one that is not bracing for the impact or one that is not in competitive athletic shape. whiplash can be a permanent injury that gives its victims a lifetime of trouble. Insurance companies by in large want a whiplash victim to be seen as a malingerer. Medical doctors get trouble with their insurance submissions for payment when they take whiplash too seriously and treat it like it is supposed to be treated. Chiropractors are uniformly dismissed by insurance companies. Yet, it is astounding that most Orthopaedic physicians have never even heard of the 2 volume set of research books published by Georgia physicians titled:

Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction; The Trigger Point Manual. by David G. Simons, MD and Janet G. Travell, MD.

here is a site that simply discusses the work of Drs Simons and Travell:

Hopes this helps someone.

Call me today if you have been injured. Newnan Lawyer Keith Prater: 770-253-7778